MPV Education Initiative

The overarching goal of MPV’s Education Initiative is to educate journalists, students, teachers, and the public about the role of media in peace and conflict, including the online media we disseminate, in either fueling conflict, or creating an atmosphere where peace becomes possible.

The MPV Education Initiative works with journalists, academics, and students worldwide to improve reporting about conflicts, social unrest, reconciliation, solutions, and peace. Through its courses, workshops, lectures, blog, and other resources, the MPV Education Initiative encourages the news media to reject sensational and inflammatory reporting, and produce counter-narratives that offer a more nuanced view of conflict, especially regarding those who are marginalized—ethnic/racial/religious minorities, women, youth, and migrants.

MPV’s Education Initiative is guided by volunteer Education Director Steven Youngblood.

Education is at the heart
of Making Peace Visible

  • Digital Resources

    Online resources for journalists, students, and teachers