What people are saying…
“I am so impressed with all that MPV has been accomplishing! The podcast series is truly wonderful, and I really loved the first issue of Nuance. Both represent such high-caliber storytelling, at a time when voices for peace are being drowned out.”
— Melanie Greenberg, Managing Director, Peacebuilding, Humanity United
“Finally! Thanks to Making Peace Visible, there is at long last an outlet that covers the world's conflict interrupters — people working in the shadows, with relentless creativity, to prevent violence. This is fascinating, important and rare.”
— Amanda Ripley, journalist and bestselling author of “High Conflict: Why We Get Trapped and How We Get Out”
“The peacebuilding field has not done a good job communicating what peacebuilding is and why it matters. Making Peace Visible is working to change that. By showcasing peacebuilding in the media, MPV is telling the story of peacebuilding in action—in neighborhoods just down the street and in faraway places.”
— Elizabeth Hume, Executive Director, Alliance for Peacebuilding
"Thank you for really listening to my work and picking up on the nuances and what’s behind them. I don’t think I’ve ever done an interview quite like this and I am really grateful for your care."
— Daniel Estrin, NPR international correspondent based in Jerusalem
"Huge congratulations on all the success of MPV, and especially the quality, scope and reach of The Making Peace Visible Podcast as well as NUANCE. Your dedication is a huge inspiration, and your commitment to quality is bearing great fruit in the impact you’re having. Bravo!
— Libby Hoffman, author, filmmaker, and President at Catalyst for Peace
"MPV is a must listen! In an era when provocations and atrocities rule the media, their stories of peace offer us a respite, a balm, and a guiding star."
— Peter Coleman, Professor of Psychology and Education at Columbia University and author of “The Way Out: How to Overcome Toxic Polarization”
"I often think of the management idea that "what you focus on grows." We all want greater peace, yet keeping or turning attention to the positive stories of peace feels ever more challenging. This is why Making Peace Visible is critical at this time. It helps us focus on peace."
— Caitlin Moore, Executive Director, United Nations Association of Greater Boston
"I am deeply moved and impressed with your work. When I learn of peace endeavors through projects like yours, I feel a debt of gratitude to our generation for persevering and staying true to the ideals that shaped our lives. "
— Lewis Randa, Director, Peace Abbey Programs and Projects