Our Events

2025 International Symposium

The Making Peace Visible International Symposium will take place in Washington, D.C. in 2025. Programming will feature workshops, lectures, and educational resources centered at the intersection of journalism, peacebuilding, and innovative strategies for capturing the public imagination on the possibility of peace.

Making Peace Visible is designed to bring journalists and peacebuilders together to learn about each other’s practices. Our live events offer a completely unique networking opportunity for journalists, peacebuilders, editors, academics, and others aligned with the goal of promoting news about peace efforts to meet, learn, and make valuable professional and personal connections.

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Past Events

2018 Inaugural Symposium

The WSPS International Symposium at the New York Times Center explored critical issues related to covering peace and conflict.

War Stories Peace Stories: Peace Conflict & The Media drew over 400 leading journalists, peacebuilders, thought leaders and funders to the New York Times Center on April 11, 2018. The daylong symposium put storytelling about peace efforts front and center in order to challenge the prevailing narrative about how the world deals with conflict. A primary goal was to encourage greater reporting on peace efforts, diplomacy, and nonviolent resistance around the world and to inspire a wider range of approaches to conflict reporting.

The invitation-only event featured a keynote on the impact of war by Sebastian Junger, best selling author, award winning producer and journalist; a conversation with Alexis Okeowo, journalist and author and recent winner of the PEN/Open prize in literature; moderated panel discussions with key peacebuilders and journalists who have worked on or reported from international conflicts. We also provided an opportunity for journalists to secure funding for stories about peace through a competition organized in partnership with the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting. This competition produced tangible results described in the full report available for download above.

“It is imperative that we learn how to explain the possibility of peace and its concrete benefits to a skeptical public. This symposium, linking media and peacebuilding experts, is exactly what we need to make peace a subject that captures the public imagination.”

Melanie Greenberg
Managing Director, Humanity United