Pioneering the use of media to promote peace

with John Marks

Search for Common Ground founder John Marks utilized principles of social entrepreneurship and media production know-how to build the world's largest peacebuilding NGO.


Social entrepreneurs are a unique breed of people, capable of conjuring up a vision, a new way of doing something, a solution to a problem; but they also have the skill and the determination to overcome all the obstacles to implement their vision. John Marks is a remarkable social entrepreneur who, with his wife Susan Collins Marks, built the largest peace building organization in the world, Search for Common Ground. When they stepped down from leadership in 2014, Search had 600 full time employees and offices in 35 countries. Search was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2018.

His new book, From Vision to Action: Remaking the World Through Social Entrepreneurship, explains what made Search for Common Ground so successful. The book delivers practical guidance on building bridges and creating meaningful change. Of particular interest to us, John is a seasoned expert in the use of media and communications to promote peaceful solutions to conflicts.