Dignity: a new way to look at conflict

with Donna Hicks

“How can we use our expertise in the conflict resolution community, along with the powerful impact of the media, to promote ways of honoring each other's dignity? We could do amazing things together if we chose to promote the reconnection of humanity and dignity in conflict areas.”

-- Donna Hicks on Making Peace Visible


“Understanding Dignity means understanding a profound aspect of what it means to be human.” - Dr. Donna Hicks

Guest Donna Hicks has worked in conflict resolution around the world, including Israel/Palestine, Sri Lanka, and Northern Ireland. A few years back, she realized that all conflicts shared an essential commonality:  someone’s dignity had been violated. This episode explores where dignity violations showed up in the midterm elections, how peacebuilders can partner with the media to have a greater impact, and more 

Donna Hicks is an associate at the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs at Harvard University, and a co-founder of the Dignity Index

Find Donna’s book here