The war in Ukraine is highly ideological. I think a lot of people in the west misunderstand this. They think it is a territorial power grab of money and resources. But it is really a clash of values. That is what is at stake here.

-- Anastasiia Lapatina on Making Peace Visible

Podcasting for a free Ukraine

with Anastasiia Lapatina and Jakub Parusinksi


What does it mean to be Ukrainian? What is Ukraine’s significance to Europe? What is the war with Russia really about? Why should the world pay attention? 

These are the kind of big-picture questions journalists Anastasiia Lapatina and Jakub Parusinksi tackle on their podcast, Power Lines: From Ukraine to the World. Jakub and Anastasiia (aka Nastya) founded the Kyiv Independent in 2021 as part of a group of journalists who had been fired from the Kyiv Post by an owner who threatened that paper’s editorial independence. On Power Lines, they interview academics, policy experts, aid workers and others with deep insight into the Ukraine-Russia war and regional history, providing vital context to an English-speaking audience.  

In this episode of Making Peace Visible, Nastya and Jakub speak with host Jamil Simon about topics including Ukrainian identity and values, the politics of language, and the possibility of peace. Also, what podcasting offers that other media do not. 

Power Lines: From Ukraine to the World is a project of the Kyiv Independent and Message Heard. Listen and subscribe here, or wherever you listen to podcasts. Learn more about the Kyiv Independent at

Follow Jakub Parusinksi on Twitter @j_parus

Follow Anastasiia Lapatina on Twitter @lapatina