In search of good conflict

with Amanda Ripley

From street gangs to Congress, writer Amanda Ripley studies how to turn intractable conflicts into workable ones.


After over two decades as a journalist, including ten years covering terrorism and disasters for TIME Magazine, Amanda Ripley thought she understood conflict. But when momentum started to build around the candidacy of Donald Trump, she questioned what she thought she knew. Ripley interviewed psychologists, mediators, and people who had made it out of seemingly intractable conflicts for her book, High Conflict: Why We Get Stuck and How We Get Out.  In this conversation with host Jamil Simon, she shares insights about how people in conflict can move forward, and how journalists can get at the "understory" of what's beneath any conflict. 

Order Amanda Ripley’s book, High Conflict: Why We Get Stuck and How We Get Out.
Watch Amanada’s talk on High Conflict for The Alliance for Peacebuilding.
Follow her column in the Washington Post. 

Find our episode on the Colombian peace process here. You can watch the documentary “A Call for Peace” for free here: Enter password peace2019. Learn more at

Music in this episode from Blue Dot Sessions and Pianobook.